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In another post in this little info blog, I had already mentioned the beautiful "Altauseer See", about 30 minutes by car from Gosau. High above the Altauseer See is the "Loser". At 1,837 metres, this is the highest mountain in Auseerland. Since 1972 there has been a "panorama road" leading up to 1,600 metres to two inns, which offer delicious food and ample parking. From there, a wonderful short hike leads to the summit. Past the idyllic Augstsee lake and the "Loser Window" (see photo) up to the summit. Always with a view of the "Altauseer See", which lies over 1,000 metres below. But be careful: don't forget sturdy footwear, i.e. hiking boots. Some of the route leads through rocks and generally rugged terrain. You even have to climb through one or two small passages. But actually doable for everyone!